
Sunday, September 11, 2005

A beautiful sentiment

In other news, our college was made the recipient of a lovely piece of history last night. Okay, well we didn't exactly recieve it. Somebody's tuition helped pay for it, but we still get to keep it, and have dibs on all the notoriety that goes with it.

At the request of our very own TToD, an oil painting of Pope Benedict XVI was begun (and completed) by a very talented young artist, whose name I cannot remember, to be hung in our commons alongside that of Pope John Paul II, the only other Pope to have reigned during the existence of Christendom. It's a really, truly beautiful half-length portrait and we were all so excited when the president unveiled it at dinner last night.

CC is now the proud owner of one of the first (as in, among the first three) oil paintings to be done of the new Pope, and it's craftmanship is of an order unprecedented. It's going to be featured in Art World Magazine and it already quite famous.

Go us. (-: Viva il papa!


  1. A photo, please...!

  2. Oh, if I could, I would!

    Knowing the college, we'll get holycards or something with the image on them within a short while.

    I'll get right on it...
